InWe’ve moved to KakkarHow not to be afraid of GIT anymoreUnderstanding the machinery to whittle away the uncertaintyNov 13, 201827Nov 13, 201827
InBetter ProgrammingbyNg Wai FoongUnderstanding Directory Trees With GitLearn to find and set git directories and working treesAug 25, 2021Aug 25, 2021
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InJavaScript in Plain EnglishbyJames Ho5 Git Practices I Found Most UsefulBesides general workflow, these are some of the Git practices that I found very useful at workFeb 25, 2021Feb 25, 2021
InLevel Up CodingbyBikash PaneruHow to Make Changes to Past Git CommitsYou don’t always have to commit to your commitsJul 30, 20212Jul 30, 20212
InTDS ArchivebyAhmad Abdullah18 Git Commands I Learned During My First Year as a Software DeveloperA practical Git cheat sheet for junior software developers.Feb 5, 20219Feb 5, 20219
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