InTDS ArchivebyKevin BanfieldIntroducing the Rich CLI Tool : Viewing Files in the Terminal Will Never be the Same Again!Auto file type detection renders yours files with amazing colour and formatting right inside your terminal.Feb 8, 20222Feb 8, 20222
InTDS ArchivebyKevin BanfieldPython : How to create a clean learning environment with pyenv, pyenv-virtualenv & pipXSetup your Python learning environment without polluting your future development environment.Apr 12, 20213Apr 12, 20213
InCodeXbyKevin BanfieldPython : A Guide to NumbersNumbers in Python explained — going beyond the beginner tutorial!Feb 5, 2022Feb 5, 2022
Kevin BanfieldWant to Learn Python — What Nobody Tells You Until It Is Too Late!Setup your Python environment NOW….even before you type “Hello World” for the first time!Apr 5, 20211Apr 5, 20211